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The limit of approximation with weights large on nodesDUNHAM, C. B.Journal of approximation theory. 1984, Vol 40, Num 2, pp 155-157, issn 0021-9045Article

On the sequential approximation of scalarly measurable functions by simple functionsHASHIMOTO, K.Tokyo journal of mathematics. 1983, Vol 6, Num 1, pp 153-166Article

Spaces of bivariate cubic and quartic splines on type-1 triangulationsCHUI, C. K; REN-HONG WANG.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 1984, Vol 101, Num 2, pp 540-554, issn 0022-247XArticle

Characterization of strict approximations in subspaces of spline functionsSTRAUSS, H.Journal of approximation theory. 1984, Vol 41, Num 4, pp 309-328, issn 0021-9045Article

Chebyshev systems of minimal degreeGRANOVSKY, B. L; PASSOW, E.SIAM journal on mathematical analysis. 1984, Vol 15, Num 1, pp 166-169, issn 0036-1410Article

O(n) Algorithms for discrete n-point approximation by quasi-convex functionsUBHAYA, V. A.Computers & mathematics with applications. 1984, Vol 10, Num 4-5, pp 365-368, issn 0097-4943Article

An algorithm for the computation of strict approximations in subspaces of spline functionsSTRAUSS, H.Journal of approximation theory. 1984, Vol 41, Num 4, pp 329-344, issn 0021-9045Article

Sharp error estimates for interpolatory approximation on convex polytopesGUESSAB, Allal; SCHMEISSER, Gerhard.SIAM journal on numerical analysis. 2006, Vol 43, Num 3, pp 909-923, issn 0036-1429, 15 p.Article

Approximate mathematical description of particle-size distributions. Possibilities and limitations as to the assessment of comminution and classification processesZISSELMAR, R; KELLERWESSEL, H.Particle characterization. 1985, Vol 2, Num 2, pp 49-55, issn 0176-2265Article

Approximation by rational modules in Sobolev and Lipschitz normsVERDERA, J.Journal of functional analysis. 1984, Vol 58, Num 3, pp 267-290, issn 0022-1236Article

Estimates for the modulus of smoothnessGRAHAM, I. G.Journal of approximation theory. 1985, Vol 44, Num 2, pp 95-112, issn 0021-9045Article

Chebyshev approximation by exponential differencesDUNHAM, C. B; SHI, Y. G.Journal of approximation theory. 1984, Vol 40, Num 3, pp 193-195, issn 0021-9045Article

A necessary condition for controlled approximationBARRAR, R; LOEB, H.Numerical functional analysis and optimization. 1985, Vol 8, Num 1-2, pp 193-205, issn 0163-0563Article

Uniform approximation by random functionsANDRUS, G. F; BROWN, L.The Rocky Mountain journal of mathematics. 1984, Vol 14, Num 2, pp 373-381, issn 0035-7596Article

On functions that approximate relationsBEER, G.Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 1983, Vol 88, Num 4, pp 643-647, issn 0002-9939Article

Local uniform approximation by functions in a uniform algebraWELLS, D. M.The Rocky Mountain journal of mathematics. 1983, Vol 13, Num 2, pp 223-227, issn 0035-7596Article

CHARACTERIZATION AND SEMIADDITIVITY OF THE C1-HARMONIC CAPACITYRUIZ DE VILLA, Aleix; TOLSA, Xavier.Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2010, Vol 362, Num 7, pp 3641-3675, issn 0002-9947, 35 p.Article

Best approximation of bounded functions by continuous functionsSUELI MARCONI ROVERSI, M.Journal of approximation theory. 1984, Vol 41, Num 2, pp 135-148, issn 0021-9045Article

Local sharp maximal functionsJAWERTH, B; TORCHINSKY, A.Journal of approximation theory. 1985, Vol 43, Num 3, pp 231-270, issn 0021-9045Article

Discrete approximations to spherically symmetric distributionsGAUTSCHI, W.Numerische Mathematik. 1984, Vol 44, Num 1, pp 53-60, issn 0029-599XArticle

Approximation par des fonctions lipschitziennes et critère de convergence étroite d'une suite de probabilités = Approximation par Lipschitzian functions and criterion for the weak convergence of probabilitiesRIHAOUI, I.Canadian mathematical bulletin. 1984, Vol 27, Num 4, pp 514-516, issn 0008-4395Article

Uniform approximation on closed sets by harmonic functions with Newtonian singularitiesGAUTHIER, P. M; GOLDSTEIN, M; OW, W. H et al.Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 1983, Vol 28, Num 1, pp 71-82, issn 0024-6107Article


Degree of best approximation by trigonometric blending functionsHAUSSMANN, W; JETTER, K; STEINHAUS, B et al.Mathematische Zeitschrift. 1985, Vol 189, Num 1, pp 143-150, issn 0025-5874Article

On nonlinear functions of linear combinationsDIACONIS, P; MEHRDAD SHAHSHAHANI.SIAM journal on scientific and statistical computing. 1984, Vol 5, Num 1, pp 175-191, issn 0196-5204Article

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